Mysore Style
Mysore Style is a gradual step by step process of in depth learning through repetition.
Practice starts with Surya Namaskara, standing postures, seated postures and finishing sequence.
It is an independent practice in a group setting, with instruction, one on one adjustments, hands on guidance, and attention to special needs.
The room is mostly quiet and focused on breathing.
Once a week led class is on Friday.
Tri means three. Tristhana are Breathing, Posture and Dristi (gazing point).
These important places of action are observed and practiced simultaneously in asana practice.
In this way practitioners develop control of the senses, and deep awareness of themselves, inner sensations, emotions and workings of the mind.
Maintaining this discipline with regularity and devotion brings steadiness of the body and mind.

- may all beings be happy and free